Liebster Award
I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by The Nobody's Place . I am a new blogger so I a little unsure of the rules but here is my attempt :) Here are the shortened rules: Basically all you need to do is say who nominated you, and maybe a little but about them, answer the 11 questions they left on their blog, create 11 more questions and then nominate 11 more people who have less then 1000 followers/readers who will then answer the 11 questions you created. Thank you very much Lea M from The Nobody's Place (link in the first sentence) for nominating me! QUESTION ANSWERING 1. Why did you start your blog and have the Volition to do it form the start until now? I didn't start my blog all that long ago but only in my first few blogs did I start to get a few readers. I did have a bit of a break through the summer holidays but am now back on and can't wait to create some more posts. 2. Would you rather live in a big City or in a Little village? I live in ...