
Showing posts from 2016

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by The Nobody's Place . I am a new blogger so I a little unsure of the rules but here is my attempt :) Here are the shortened rules: Basically all you need to do is say who nominated you, and maybe a little but about them, answer the 11 questions they left on their blog, create 11 more questions and then nominate 11 more people who have less then 1000 followers/readers who will then answer the 11 questions you created. Thank you very much Lea M from The Nobody's Place (link in the first sentence) for nominating me! QUESTION ANSWERING 1. Why did you start your blog and have the Volition to do it form the start until now? I didn't start my blog all that long ago but only in my first few blogs did I start to get a few readers. I did have a bit of a break through the summer holidays but am now back on and can't wait to create some more posts. 2.  Would you rather live in a big City or in a Little village? I live in ...


So I don't know whether or not I want to be vegan. There is a stigma around veganism and I don't think it's as hard as people say it would be but I'm in a situation where I just don't know whether or not I want to be vegan. There as sooo many health and environmental benefits about becoming vegan and it is so much healthier but without knowing exactly what to eat and how much of it I think I'm going to find it hard. I have watched so many What I Eat In A Day videos and so many Why To Become Vegan videos but I still feel unsure. I have moments where I really want to be vegan then the next day I think that it's too hard. I want to be vegan for ethical and health reasons and I hate not having the courage to do it, but I feel like once I've started there's not really any going back. I also want to do this to lose a little bit of weight and as fad diets and calorie restricting is pointless I feel like this is the number 1 option. I really wish one of my f...

Checking In

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been online in ages, I've been away for 2 weeks and recently got back. Hopefully either tomorrow or the next day I will post another one of my typical posts but for now I'm just saying hello once again. Let me know if you did anything exciting for Christmas or New Year or if you're in Australia how your summer holidays are going so far. Have an awesome week! TeenTanglewreck xo

When your friends start to change

I had a best friend in Primary school, we were probably the only best friend 'couple' in the year, and I thought we'd be best friends FOREVER. But things change. She started to care so much about what people think of her, if boys like her, what she wears, how she acts. I'm very different to that. Yes, I care if I'm acting like a total looney-tune (Although that's often me in class) but I don't care if my clothes aren't from fancy shops (Target is my favourite:)) or if no boys like me. And it annoys me when I'm with her now... She's always on her phone checking if this boy has texted her or if her friends are doing something without her, and as much as I really really want to stay as close with her as i was in Primary School... I don't know if that will ever happen. I totally separated from my other friends when going into high school, not on purpose but to have a fresh start and also because I don't like the school most people were going ...