Best Friend Sometimes?

I have a friend. Let’s call her SP  and she’s really lovely to me. She calls me her ‘best friend’ and we catch up quite a lot on the weekends etc, but I don’t think she could be my best friend. I have another friend, lets call her Rain. Rain and I get each other. We understand exactly what the other one is thinking and we get along really well. But SP treats her like dirt. Not dirt in a way that she bullies he or anything, just she doesn’t treat her right. I know everyone cant always get along, and for sure I have friends that sometimes I wish I wasn’t friends with but I don’t know… I want to have one friend that I can trust, and that I can call them my best friend. But I don’t know when everything will form and I’ll know who.
Once again if you’re reading this PLEASE comment. I would love to have a little internet friend who we could talk about life together.
TeenTanglewreck xo


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