When I was in primary I always thought by Year 8 I would of fallen madly in love with my first ever boyfriend. It hasn't happened and I've finished Year 8. I'm waiting for the moment a nice boy asks me out and we go to the movies, or a bowling alley, or somewhere you always go on a first date in high school and we have the best time ever. But will it ever happen? I know there are people at the school I go to that are dating or have dated (including friends) and at this point I'm wondering will it happen to me before I graduate? I know people say to 'not worry about dating' and 'care more about your friends then boys' but why?? I like to think about the day someone asks me out, and trust me I've had enough 'crushes' to sink a ship, I'm definitely not just too picky. It's hard when you have a crush that isn't out-of-this-world hot and you know that they'd probably go out with you if you suggested the idea, but I have no urge to go running over to the person I like asking them to go out with me! The less realistic the crush is the easier it is to give up in my opinion. But when you find someone that maybe is in your class and you've had a good conversation with you think of all the possibilities and the 'what-ifs'. Maybe one day everyone will have to ask someone out and so no matter who you are, who you like or where you come from you'll be able to go on a first date! Or maybe I should start a "Feeling Like I'll Be Forever Alone" club and whoever turns up gets to ask someone out. (Trust me I'll be the first person to sign up!) Honestly I don't think I'll go through high school without at least going on one 'date' but then you look at my friendship group and well... there aren't a whole lot of guys involved.
If you feel the same PLEASE let me know!! Have a good one!
TeenTanglewreck xo
P.S Please go onto the Teen Blogger Central website and look around, it honestly has some of the greatest blogs on there and only written by people between 13 and 20! http://teenage-blogger-central.blogspot.com.au/
This honestly sounds exactly like how I felt a couple of years ago! I was so hung up on guys and crushes ugh :D... but don't worry it happens eventually, there is someone for everyone!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
Noire Beau
I agree! Everything hapens for reason in the end... thanks for reading my blog :)
DeleteTeenTanglewreck xx
ReplyDeleteI have just finished high school, and I remember fretting over boys, dating etc. Somehow, as time goes on, things fall into place. However, for some, this 'place' may be high school, others at university and some in the business world. I think there's someone out there for everyone- I mean, there are more than 7 BILLION people on earth, currently. So, there are options.
Till then, enjoy the journey and laugh at the confusion.
All the best