This is anonymous. Maybe no one will read it..? But I'm writing this for my own self. For me to look back and remember how I felt, who I was. I'm a teenager, living a fairly unpopular, shy, simple teenage life. At school I have some of the best friends, and some friends I know I won't be friends with in 10 years. I don't know if I'm alone saying this, but as much as I know I have extremely happy, fun friends I'm waiting for the day I meet the friend... The one I know appreciates me for me, who I can tell my deepest secrets, how I feel and can call them at 2am telling them my fears. I don't battle with diagnosed anxiety but some nights I lie awake...panicking about all the stresses I have, and then I start panicking that I'm not asleep and I won't be energized enough for the home of stress and anxiety... school. High school is strange... and high school friends are even weirder. No one is emotionally stable, someone's dealing depression, someone has an eating disorder, someone's drinking, other's are too closed to tell me. I feel stable in my life, but some days I feel uncontrolled. There's too much going on some days and other days I have nothing to do but watch YouTube. I don't know when my life will slot into place, or maybe it never will? Maybe life is just many years of people feeling out of control, feeling alone when really everyone is going through the same thing? I wish for a day when no one cares what other people think, when people don't care what you look like, what you wear, who you like, what you do. But until then we will all be worrying about everything we do and say.
Please leave a comment if you read this, I want to know if maybe everyone is thinking the same thing or am I as strange as I sometimes feel.
TeenTanglewreck xx
I love this post! You are not as strange as you feel. I have been there and done that with the best friend stuff, you will meet that one friend and it might take a while it took me 17 years to find that friend and just 2 months ago I found her so it just takes time. You defiantly got a follow from me! Everything in this post I can relate to!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I know that when the right friend comes I'll know but until then I'm just going to enjoy the ones I have because they are still awesome! Thanks for following and I'll make sure I have a look at your blog, if you have one :) Happy New Year :)