Bodies change, they make you taller, wider, longer, shorter, thinner. Especially when you are going through the horror and blessing of puberty. When I was little I was normal sized, and throughout primary school I was pretty average. I thought this is what it would be like all through high school... but it wasn't. My weight fluctuates, not massively but you can tell when I've eaten too much or when I don't each much throughout the weekend, and it's annoying. I'm not thin, never have been and never will be. I'm just not that shape but I'm not hugely over weight or what society calls 'fat'. In primary school no one really cared what you look like including myself but in high school everything changes. I spend nights wondering how to lose weight FAST and what exercises can slim down certain areas, but it's all a hoax. And i know that but still I wonder how come I'm not like my super thin friends that still eat the same amount just have a naturally faster metabolism. I admit, some days I overeat, but who doesn't? On a day to day basis I'm pretty darn healthy. But still... those nights you're home alone and after school... it's hard. I've tried so many things, a certain personal trainer's exercise program, certain exercises, limiting my eating, and even looked into 'lifestyles' like veganism and vegetarianism. But at the end of the day who is caring? I don't look at my friends thinking about their flaws and what makes them look fat. So why do our minds make us think that everyone cares so damn much about what we eat and how we look. Because let's face it. Only you care about what you look like and what you eat. I want to tell my future self and any one reading this that just give up caring so much about how big your butt is, and whether or not you have a thigh gap, because your friends don't care and neither should you. And if your friends do care... then what type of friends are they?
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Can you relate? I'd love to know
TeenTanglewreck xo
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